Energy Connectivity – the Ultimate Game Changer


How smart investments in solar and storage improve the grid for all
Energy is all about connection. Electricity powers nearly every aspect of our lives and connects us to one another through the grid. At SDC Energy, our mission is to make those connections stronger on all levels to build prosperity into everything we do.

Yes, we help put together financing for clean energy projects. But in doing so we also enable businesses and communities to build a better future while they reduce their carbon footprint on this planet.

This month we offer new perspectives on renewable energy and storage to modernize the grid and create a more reliable, intelligent and connected system for all.

Energy Storage on the Rise in California
Ten years ago, California hoped to kick-start the solar industry through rebates to homeowners and businesses. It worked. Now, state officials want to do the same thing for energy storage.

Launched in 2007, the California Solar Initiative jump-started the state’s PV boom with $48.9 million. So when the 4.7 million solar-powered Californians return from work and turn on the lights at home, the sun’s energy supply starts to fade, making storage the next big opportunity.

In early May, the state’s Self-Generation Incentive Program began accepting applications for $50.3 million in its first round of rebates. Within 24 hours, battery manufacturers submitted requests for more than twice that amount. Winners had to be chosen by lottery.The second round of funding that opened June 5 offers $117.2 million in rebates. Read more

SDC Energy is ready to re-charge our direction to plug into the storage phenomenon. Because we have experience financing projects that combine commercial solar and storage, we have the know-how to ensure our clients get the highest returns on their investments while deploying this industry disruptive technology.

SDC Energy Project Update
We have been busy this month!

The Crossroads Church solar project is now fully funded and is on its way toward completion and Calvary Chapel West Oahu solar is also now fully funded.

Kauai Christian Academy and Kingdom Interdenominational Community Church completed their installations and began billing. Thanks to SDC Energy’s investors, the ratepayers are now producing clean, cost-effective energy from gleaming solar panels gracing their buildings.

These projects delivered above-average rates of return to our investors and reduced a significant amount of their tax bills in 2017. More on tax tips.

Can We Connect the Power Grid from Coast to Coast?
You may think the nation’s electrical grid is a single, seamless entity stretching across the country. But the American grid, which is divided into multiple regions, was created in disconnected segments over time.

By interconnecting the grid across regions, more areas of the country could benefit from reliable, renewable resources like solar and wind while reducing power challenges caused by extreme weather.

To accomplish this goal, the U.S. Department of Energy has launched the Grid Modernization Initiative, a $220 million project to upgrade our electrical infrastructure and enable a more connected, resilient and sustainable system.


Historic El Campanil Theatre Lights Up With Solar


Solar Continues to Sparkle with Tax Benefits